On-Page SEO: What It Is and How to Do It

On-Page SEO: What It Is and How to Do It
June 12, 2024

On-page SEO means on-site optimizations to increase a page’s rankings in relevant search results. This method falls under search engine optimization (SEO). Some examples of on-site optimizations include adding keywords, boosting page speed, and producing content that targets a page’s source code.

You probably have a rudimentary understanding of search engine optimization (SEO) if you run a company website. However, are you familiar with on-page SEO and the best practices for implementing on-site optimizations to increase your site’s visibility in SERPs?

Here, we’ll go over search engine optimization, and, more especially, on-page SEO.

How does on-page SEO work?

Content creation and optimization with user purpose are the essence of on-site SEO. Among other things, you should work to improve your pages’ title tags, URLs, internal links, and page speeds.

How is on-page SEO different from off-page SEO?

When looking for ways to improve your website’s search engine rankings, you may hear the terms “on-page SEO” and “off-page SEO” thrown around.

Content creation and optimization based on search intent and site navigation simplification are examples of on-site SEO activities. Obtaining inbound connections from other authoritative websites is an example of off-page SEO.

Both on-page and off-page SEO are necessary for successful SEO. Please refer to our off-page SEO guide if you would like additional information on this topic.

How does on-page SEO help?

Your whole strategy relies on on-page SEO, which results in:

  • Superior search engine results
  • More people visiting your website
  • Higher number of conversions

Your business and website will be seen as a valuable resource for your target audience’s needs because your content addresses their search intent. Search engines will see your website as an authoritative resource in your niche if it has valuable material.

Although on-page SEO takes time to yield results, it has the potential to skyrocket your internet rankings and sales once it takes off.

On-page SEO elements to enhance

Numerous on-page ranking criteria exist. As you get ahead of the competition and boost your ranks, make sure you optimize URL, Title Tag, Meta Description, heading tags, alt tags, Keywords, Content, Images, Internal links, Structured data, The speed of a page, and responsiveness to mobile devices.

You can also read: Which On-page Component is Most Important for SEO?

Methods for improving on-page SEO

You may begin improving your on-page SEO by identifying the elements that impact it. Keep in mind that seeing results from on-site SEO will require patience. SEO is also an ongoing process. However, you may build a website that can withstand algorithm upgrades by following best practices for these variables.

1. Make optimum use of a descriptive URL

Using URLs that convey a page’s content to visitors in an instant is what Google suggests. This is because search engine results pages (SERPs) may display partial URLs, guiding users to potentially relevant pages. However, using your goal term in your URLs is a fundamental on-page SEO approach.

An easier-to-navigate site with greater page subject visibility is the result of using your keyword in the URL rather than a large string of random integers. If you want your site to have better architecture and rank higher in relevant search results, use clear, understandable URLs like https://www.thanksweb.in/seo-company-india.php instead of https://www.thanksweb.in/2x1ssffdists.php

2. The title tag is where you should put your desired term

Google needs to understand your page’s content in order to display it in search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engine crawlers will have an easier time understanding your website if you include certain keywords in the title tag of every page. Take this example of a title tag:

” Best Website Design Company in India | Company Name.” It would be perfect for targeting the term “Website Design Company in India.”

To avoid Google cutting off your title tag in search results, keep it to 50 to 60 characters and utilize your chosen keyword right at the beginning for the best results. To let both users and search engines know what a page is about, make sure to utilize a unique title tag for each page.

3. To increase clicks from search engines, provide a compelling meta description

The on-page optimization of your website is unaffected by a meta description. However, it is a feature that aids users in understanding your page better. If search terms used by users are in your meta description, Google will highlight them. As a result, you should work on your meta description to make it more search engine-friendly. To get the most out of your meta description, be sure to include your primary and secondary keywords.

Take this example of a page promoting a Digital Marketing Agency in Ahmedabad: “Are you in need of comprehensive digital marketing services?” Looking for a better presence on social media? Thanksweb has you covered!”

Meta descriptions that are less than 160 characters tend to perform best.

4. Utilize header tags to enhance the readability of your material

Make sure to use your primary keyword in the H1 tag while you’re constructing your heading tags. Would you like to see how readable your page is? Check the readability of your page with our no-cost tool.

5. When using multimedia, be sure to include an alt tag

Because search engines can’t see images and other forms of multimedia, they rely on alt attributes to describe multimedia. For instance, to help Google better understand your multimedia, you can give descriptive names to the image files and use alt tags, such as “digital marketing office Ahmedabad” for photo of your office.

Remember to always use an alt tag when you’re working with multimedia. Users that are unable to see or interact with your content can also benefit from your alt tags, in addition to Google. Make sure that all of your site’s content is accessible to everyone by using alt tags.

6. Make smart use of your keywords

Include text material that addresses the page’s subject on every page of your site.

Your company can still benefit from search engine optimization, even on pages like “Contact Us” that aren’t usually given much thought. Google is able to better understand and rank your content when you use keywords strategically throughout the body text.

  • For every page on your site, you need to find relevant keywords and gather them. Get to know the terms people use to find products and services like yours with the help of keyword research tools.
  • To choose the most valuable keywords, look at useful indicators like monthly search traffic and competitiveness.
  • Typically, smaller businesses would target keywords that are three or four words long, known as long-tail keywords.
  • The monthly search volumes for long-tail keywords are often smaller, but the competition is also lower. Because they are more targeted, long-tail keywords are usually easier to understand.

If someone were to search for “PPC Services” using the short-tail keyword, it would be difficult to pinpoint precisely what they were looking for. Perhaps they are looking at which PPC service providers are ideal for their business, or they are considering doing PPC on their own and just typing it to learn online.

When someone uses the long-tail phrase “Digital Branding Company in Ahmedabad,” it’s clear that they have a specific goal in mind and are prepared to make a purchase. Depending on your business and aims, you can opt to target either short-tail or long-tail keywords in your SEO operations.

7. Make informative posts

When it comes to on-page optimization, content is king. People will be more likely to visit your site if you provide them with content. People read your material, whether it’s a blog article or a product page. By improving your content’s readability and structure, you can increase the likelihood that search engines will index and rank your website.

The following are the main principles of on-page SEO for content:

  • Producing useful material that highlights E-E-A-T (expertise, authority, trustworthiness, and experience).
  • Include your keywords in the paragraph and heading tags.
  • Creating easily digestible headlines for your content
  • Adding useful photos to your article
  • Using proper language and spelling in your writing

Adding fresh material to your site on a regular basis also shows search engines that you care about your clients and are willing to put in the effort to meet their needs. Make sure your website material is up-to-date by auditing it often and making updates as needed.

You may further enhance your on-page SEO by detecting and eliminating duplicate material.

There are two main issues with having blocks of identical content on different pages of your website, which is known as duplicate content:

  • Search engines like Google get confused about which page to rank when multiple pages on a site have identical content.
  • When people enter your site and see content that is already there, it can throw them off and make them wonder what to do next. When you have duplicate material on your site, it messes with your content funnel and makes it hard for people to take action.
  • In order to improve your site’s on-page SEO, you should routinely scan it for duplicate material and delete it if found.

8. Sharpen your photos

Users and search engine optimization (SEO) rely on high-quality photos. Incorporating them into your site improves the readability of your material. One way to break up your content is with graphics. They can help put characteristics or procedures that are hard to articulate into perspective.

Some basic guidelines for search engine optimization of images are as follows:

  • If you don’t want your page speed to suffer, compress your photographs.
  • You may improve your photographs’ accessibility and search engine rankings by adding alt text.
  • Add features that make it easier to use, including video transcriptions.
  • Incorporating your goal keywords into transcriptions and alt text is a terrific way to make your site ADA-compliant.

9. Make Website Faster

Can you stand waiting for two minutes for a website to load? Most people will leave a slow-loading website just like you. Page speed is a ranking element for search engines like Google; thus, optimizing your page speed will enhance the user’s experience on your site.

Checking your page’s load time is easy using PageSpeed Insights. To help you speed up your site, PageSpeed Insights will provide you with personalized advice. Some best practices for page speed include reducing the size of graphics, removing extraneous code, and other similar measures.

10. Internal links

Visitors to your site can easily find other useful content by using internal links. Assemble new pages with pertinent links to existing ones. Verify the health of your site’s internal links with the help of Screaming Frog and similar tools.

When discussing on-page SEO, internal linking is frequently disregarded. However, an internal linking strategy is essential as your site expands. The reason is, that crawlers can better navigate your site, find new material, and grasp the context of various pages with the help of internal links.

Users will not be able to access valuable content on your site if there is minimal or no internal linking on your pages. Your conversion rate will take a nosedive if people are unable to access it.

To enhance your on-page SEO, make use of internal links by:

  • Including references to related, previously published material in updates
  • Connecting new pages to pertinent, previously published content
  • Although the optimal number of links to each new page varies from strategy to strategy, a good rule of thumb is to include two or three links on each newly created page. Do not impose a link if you are unable to locate the desired pages. A better option would be to focus on developing piecemeal content instead.
  • Screaming Frog is a free tool that you may use to see how well your internal links are doing.

11. Work on schema

Use schema markup to make your page stand out in search engine results. Code known as schema markup or structured data aids search engines in comprehending and classifying websites.

Google uses rich results, a type of search results that offers more information about the page to make them more interesting. Your click-through rates in search engine results pages (SERPs) can be improved by offering more clickable results.

Schema markup comes in various forms. Product markups, which include information about the price and review ratings of an offering, are among the most popular.

There are also further variations.

  • Organization Schema
  • Event Schema
  • Person Schema
  • LocalBusiness Schema and more

You can improve your content’s performance in Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE) by using schema markup.

12. Enable mobile responsiveness on your website

More than half of all web traffic now originates from mobile devices, making mobile optimization a top priority. Google even prioritizes indexing websites based on mobile performance.

Nowadays, mobile compatibility is an absolute must. In order to achieve good keyword rankings, it is essential.

Making the site responsive is a common goal of on-page optimization efforts aimed at making it mobile-friendly. Because there is only one site to maintain with a responsive design, adding new material is a breeze.

Verify that your site is mobile-friendly with the use of technologies such as Google Lighthouse.

The best way to assess your on-page SEO

You can assess your site’s efficacy now that you are familiar with on-page SEO. You have the option to utilize a tool or manually examine individual pages when doing a site audit; the choice is yours. If you want a more hands-on approach, you can utilize these criteria to optimize the page.

  • Is each page utilizing a keyword? Have you seen any traffic from these keywords? What gives with the continued use of the keywords if they haven’t been?
  • Do you connect the many pages on your website? Is this a method to facilitate visitors’ movement from one location to another with minimal effort required?
  • Can I tell you how fast your site loads? Also, is it the case that certain pages load quite slowly? Figure out what’s wrong if things aren’t working. Website visitors, bots included, despise poor loading speeds.
  • Is there new stuff on your site? Is it already over a year or two? Does anything have changed or is everything still applicable?

Methods for analyzing the on-page SEO of a rival

Identifying your most formidable rivals certainly won’t require much mental effort on your part. Regrettably, they are also vying for a position in your market, and you can be certain that they are employing on-page SEO strategies similar to yours.

You should look at their websites and see what they’re doing to see where you could make improvements. They may be hiding something, but if you look around, you can find a ton of information.

An additional benefit of researching the competition is the information it may provide for how to enhance your own website and, by extension, your company. If you start working on your on-page SEO, your site’s page rankings should start to go up in a matter of weeks or months.

Seek the assistance of experts in on-page SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is work that never ends. Thanksweb is a great resource for anyone in need of assistance with on-page SEO. We have been in the digital marketing industry for over 8+ years and offer a wide range of services. In order to increase your company’s profits, our award-winning SEO team is eager to find out more about your company, industry, and objectives.